PEACE Academy groups
Finding Balance
The demands of life are always increasing. Learning how to manage the competing priorities we have such as finances, family time, work commitments and leisure time are a constant juggle. Learning how to balance our priorities will help us to feel more content and peaceful. Here are 3 tips to improve your balance in february.
If we do not plan our time we quickly get out of balance through tidying the home, watching fun things on social media, letting emails pile up, or getting immersed in work when our loved ones are wanting our attention. One way to avoid feeling guilty about what you are NOT doing is to plan everything you need to do at commit to it 100% at the allocated time. Make sure you plan time for yourself in your priorities.
Face-to-Face Support Groups in Walsall
Give yourself the gift of PEACE in 2023!
Join a Walsall Wellbeing support Group.
We tend to know what foods are healthy and give us the best nutrition for energy and health yet we tend to get into unhelpful habits of reaching for the same unhealthy food, particularly when we are busy. Why not try a new food item or meal each week or month to expand your taste buds and eat healthy. Your body will thank you for it.
Meditation is a wonderful way to DO NOTHING! But even if you do not wish to do anything just schedule time to sit and watch the world go by. Switch off the noise of the TV and telephone and sit in a quiet space inside or outside. Your mind will quickly adjust to a slower pace of life and thank you for it. You will definitely want more!
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Talk With Me is a Trading name of Mustard Seed Associates CIC
Manor Farm Community Association, King George Crescent, Walsall WS4 1EU
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